Letter to my mother, August 26, 2018
Today when I heard about you I did not know what to do
I felt the entire world stop around me.
I don’t know what to say to you
No matter how much I could ever thank you, it would seem insignificant compared to everything you gave me
Mom, you taught me how to be a man,
But now that you left, who will guide me?
You were my northern star.
Sometime sons ask their moms,
Where are you going?
I never asked you, correct?
But today I would like to ask you
Where are you going without me?
It is not fair that you left without me
When you left, a peace of my soul left as well
Do you know how much I love you?
I love you more than myself.
Do you know how much I miss you?
I miss you like mothers miss their sons
You are the most delightful mother in the world.
Could you please come back to me?
Without you I will be alone, and no one will ever fill your place I am so sorry I was not there when you left, but I promise I will visit you as soon as I can
With love, Qusay
This is so beautiful, Qusay. Your mom was a very special woman!