Qusay Hussein is an education advocate, student and motivational
speaker. In 2006, Hussein was a victim of a suicide bomb in Mosul, Iraq where
he suffered multiple injuries and lost his sight. After 62 reconstructive
surgeries, Hussein was able to overcome this traumatic experience and use it to
advocate on behalf of marginalized communities and individuals with
disability. In 2010, Hussein went to Jordan to seek medical treatment and
while he was recovering, he had an opportunity to serve as a patient-counselor
for Doctors Without Borders (MSF). During his time with MSF, Hussein
organized recreational activities for patients recovering from war related
In 2012, Hussein resettled to United States and integrated himself in
American society by quickly learning English. After securing the second
highest GED score in his region, Hussein started his pursuit for higher
education by enrolling at Austin Community College. In May 2018, Hussein
earned an associate degree from Austin Community College, and was the
student keynote speaker at the commencement ceremony where he also
received the ACC presidential student achievement award. With his eye on a
graduate degree, Hussein transferred to UT Austin to focus on Psychology and
Social Work. In May, 2021 Hussein graduated with a dual Bachelor’s degree in
Psychology and Social Work from The University of Texas in Austin. He is
currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Work. with the ultimate goal of
becoming a doctor in psychology.
Hussein currently serves on the Association Committee for Doctors
Without Borders, the Advisory Committee for Refugee Services of Texas, and
the UT Austin Student Advisory Committee for students with disabilities.
Additionally, he served on the Board for the Austin Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind (2015-2019), and on the Board of the Texas Association
of Blind Students (2016-2018). He is the co-chair of the Community Advisory
Council for the Texas Center for Disability Studies (CAC). Hussein served as
Vice-President at Large for the Alpha Gamma Pi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
Honor Society (2017-2018). In his free time, Hussein mentors incoming
students at Austin Community College and provides interpretation at a local
refugee resettlement agency for newly arrived refugees.